Greenville's Promise Logo

We’ve lost Black households in our urban areas.

what can we do about it?

Census and other data indicate that the percentage of Black households in the city of Greenville has declined since 2010. This isn’t just due to growth in the number of white households; the raw number of Black households has declined as well, meaning that Black residents are leaving and their numbers aren’t being replaced by new Black residents. 

But there are things we can do, as community members, as voters, as donors and investors.  Learn more below.

Get updates and opportunities to stay involved! 

Read The Data

Furman’s data on racial displacement in Greenville, SC

Affordable housing

Locations, advocacy, donations, investments

All about affordable housing in Greenville

Advocacy Action Items from our partners at GOAL​


Make investments in local Black- and women-owned business or get support as an entrepreneur


About the Evictions Process

Greenville Development Code

Learn about and comment on the City of Greenville’s Development Code and Zoning

Predatory Lending

Learn about efforts to cap interest rates at 36% in South Carolina and take action

Asset Based Community Development